Planning a project

The planning pages are under development and are due to be finalised when the 'PBL goes to University' research project comes to an end (September 2020).

In the meantime we are adding some resources and tools that may be useful.

Planning map and timetable MSWord 27Kb

This planning tool provides a useful starting point for thinking about a project. It works really well if you start with some initial ideas on your own and then you talk it through with some other people- teachers from your subject area/teachers from other subject areas/potential partners. It is through these dicussions that new ideas and possibilities emerge.

Hierarchy of questions PDF 455Kb

The hierarchy of questions was developed by two Australian Head Teachers to support their class teachers to develop the all important open-ended driving question; but also to scaffold the students' learning through a series of related questions that would help them build their knowledge and understanding. We use the example of 'What does it take to run a half marathon' to explore what this might look like in practice. More detail can be found in the chapter by Paul Kenna and Brett Millot in 'Enquiry and Project Based Learning: School, Students and Society' edited by David Leat