Careers and Transition
Good careers education is vital for pupils to make a connection between their learning and the world of work. Visits to employers and talks from outside speakers can have a long lasting employment impact, reinforcing the importance of careers awareness in schools. The North East Local Enterprise Partnership, one of our partners, piloted the eight Gatsby Benchmarks, which provide a clearly defined framework for ‘Good Career Guidance.’ Each one supports the North East LEP’s Skills initiative, North East Ambition, which aims to ensure each and every student in the region has access to high quality careers education and all secondary schools and colleges in the North East are achieving the Benchmarks by 2024.
Several schools have used a PBL approach to develop their careers and transition provision, including George Stephenson High School, who devised a project called Amazing Careers in the North East, which aimed to promote the range of further education and employment possibilities for school leavers in the region.