Other OSGEO labs

OSGeo Labs


 #  University of Nottingham, UK   http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ngi/research/geospatial-science/geospatial-science.aspx

#  University of Girona, Spain [website in development]   http://www.sigte.udg.edu/

#  University of Southampton, UK  [ website to be ready in Dec 2012]

#  Czech Technical University, Prague http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/gwiki/Osgeorel

#  University of Newcastle, UK  [website in development]

 South America

 #  Federal University of Paraná, Brazil  [website in development]

 North America

 # North Carolina State University, USA  http://gis.ncsu.edu/osgeorel/


 #  UNMC, Malaysia  [website in development] http://www.nottingham.edu.my/Geography/Newsitems/Establishing-Open-Source-Geospatial-Lab.aspx





#  University of Pretoria ,South Africa   [website in development]  http://web.up.ac.za/default.asp?ipkCategoryID=16055&subid=16055&ipklookid=11&archive=1&ArticleID=14111