Past Events

Book Launch: Mutinous Memories and Survivor Memorials

  • Venue: Armstrong Building 2.49, Newcastle University
  • Start: Wed, 29 May 2019 17:30:00 BST
  • End: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 19:00:00 GMT

Matt Perry’s latest book, Mutinous Memories, explores the eight-month wave of mutinies that struck the French infantry and navy in 1919. Based on official records and the testimony of dozens of participants, it is the first study to try to to understand the world of the mutineers. The book considers how mutieer memories persisted after the events in the face of official censorship, repression and the French Communist Party’s co-option of the mutiny.

In Survivor Memorials, Alison Atkinson-Phillips tells the story of two decades of commemoration practice in Australia. Recent memorial controversies have focussed on monuments that celebrate public figures. In contrast, this new book explores memorials that acknowledge difficult and painful history that has been lived through by ordinary people. Covering a broad range of topics, including bushfire, migration, child abuse and other human rights abuses, this book asks why people have chosen to create memorials to remember these experiences.

The authors will each give a short presentation about their work, followed by a short discussion of common themes, including how 'difficult' histories are remembered, emotion and commemoration. Wine and refreshments provided.


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