Training Framework

Training Framework

The proximity of NCL and UNN allows ONE Planet to provide a series of core cohort activities to best develop the cohort experience, skills and expertise of students and ensure the development of graduates with the required skills. Our students will have a clearly structured route to a PhD degree (Table 1), with fixed milestones (e.g. induction, assessment of training needs, development of the research proposal, annual progress review), which will allow students to reflect on their training & development needs and offer formal feedback on progress.


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3/4

Induction (Oct)

Consider cultural values/expectations to promote inclusion, dignity and respect

Attend 1-day UNN or NCL induction. 1-day split-site ONE Planet induction

Present poster at induction day

Selected presentations at induction day

Annual (Oct) Residential Activity Centre (RAC) Consider access and early advert, inclusion, dignity and respect

Build on previous research and develop new ideas with all cohorts and end-users (incl. environmental mini-projects and sandpit for end-user interaction)

1st Cohort attend 3 days of RAC, incl. 1-day transdisciplinaryR3 workshop AIM: Provide new students with a general introduction to each other, to nature of PGR research and to transdisciplinarity (communication/ team working skills across disciplines)

2nd Cohort attend 3 days of RAC to present/conduct reflexive science, enhance c learning and plan internships; incl. 1-day R3 workshop

AIM: Reflect collectively on first year and prepare for Year2, discuss multi-disciplinarity, impact and communication

3rd Cohort attend 2 days (incl. 1 day R3)/4th Cohort attend 1 day of RAC to share experiences and present lessons learned for peer-to-peer learning

AIM: Share experiences and support other cohorts, discuss options with end-users

Annual TNA (Jan)

Individual needs assessment. Define development stage and level of performance

First TNA submitted. Examine industrial placement options/policy internship

Follow up on previous TNA, with reflexive assessment and plan next year and careers training (“life after a PhD”- LAP)

Review and reflect on previous TNA and execute the plan for “LAP”



Placements/CASE studentship

1-4 week placement or external collaboration

4-12 weeks placement or external collaboration

1-4 week placement or external collaboration

Policy internship

PhD student can develop proposal

Spend up to 3 months at host organisation

Spend 1-4 weeks at host organisation

Annual RAC for final year students (Mar). Consider access, early adverts

Attend 1 day

AIM: to be informed on the career training available

Attend 1 day

AIM: plan academic and non-academic career trajectories

Tailored 4-day course AIM: Support final stage of PhD and advice for LAP

ONE Planet Annual Conference (Jul)


4-day conference: incl. 2-day research conference (all DTP students across all cohorts present research plans/outputs) and 2-days lectures on post-PhD options/international science opportunities/recent research

Annual Science Night (Sep)

Encourages public engagement and training in key skills needs for non-technical audiences and to get research highlights in the public domain

Interdisciplinary discussion series (monthly)

Co-designed and co-delivered with industry and government partners to encourage broad and critical thinking about science, e.g. Pint of Science external talks

Reading group/ Writing Retreats

Monthly journal reading group for all stages and bi-monthly 1-day writing retreats for later stage PGRs