Research Experience Placement Projects 2024
Cheng Siew Goh (UNN) - Tracking net zero progress: A meta-analysis of carbon emission statistics
Evelyn Jensen (NCL) - Genomic analysis to pinpoint the route of invasion of Wakame into the UK
Joel Giron Hernandez (UNN) - Revitalising food waste: A solution to mitigate water pollution
Kate Randall (UNN) - Investigation of historical land use and current management of UK allotments
Louise Mair (NCL) - Investigating species recovery and extinction risk on the ICUN Red List
Rinke Vinkenoog (UNN) - Bees and Balsam; are the invaders stealing our pollinators?
Sam Wilson (NCL) - Lake ecosystems in a changing climate: A focus on the Lake District
Victor Zevallos (UNN) - Environmental adaptation of quinoa in the Northeast of England