Shirley Archer: Extract One

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How were you taught to read? Were you taught to read by your parents?

No I could - I knew letters, I could do my alphabet before I went to school but I can remember learning to read at school and the books were called Old Lock. It was about an old farmer and the different animals on the farm and I can remember his name vividly and the picture of him in my head and that was the reading scheme that I learnt to read on at school.

So you vividly remember the process of learning to read?


And so you can remember being read to by your parents?


What time - did they read to you at night?

Mostly in the evenings, yes, yes, before bedtime. But I we lived with my great uncle so obviously he had more time to devote to me during the day and he would read to me and we would act out stories. I can remember doing that as well and one of my favourites was Treasure Island so I was always Jim the cabin boy and he was the captain and we played this game over and over and over. It drove everybody else mad I think in the house but we loved that.