Anne Wallace: Extract Three

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In terms of reading when young, then: so how much contact did you have with books when you were young?

Oh, constant. Constant. I blame my dad – or thank my dad. [laughter] My dad was a big reader. My mum was a magazine reader and she watched telly. And Dad and I, and probably my brother to a lesser extent, were the readers. When I was little … I think children now, from very young, have a library ticket. But in those days you didn’t get a library ticket until, I think, probably five or so. So my dad used to ... We used to go off to the library together and he’d get me my books on his ticket.

I think that was the same for me, actually.

I think it’s relatively recent.


So that’s a cherished memory, going to libraries with Dad, […] and being left, and people would keep an eye on me. I’d go and look at books and he would come and help me pick and then off we’d go, with my books on his ticket and read them together. My mum would read with me as well, obviously, because she was a full-time mum. And I’ve always been very lucky; I’ve always lived very near a library.


I think they’re a wonderful thing. I mean, they’re much, much more than just books now.