Anne Wallace: Extract Six

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I think that’s one of the things I like about reading. TV, I do just … You can get distracted or the adverts come on, or there’s a dull bit of the programme. Whereas with reading, you just … it’s yours and you can read it at your own pace. And you can just choose to, all of a sudden, ‘Oh, [unclear]

So is it that you get kind of immersed in a book, that you like?

Yes. You’re at your own pace. The pace isn’t dictated by the TV schedule or the advert break or whatever. So, yes, I quite like that about it. But you do have to be just reading, you can’t read and iron, that would be a bad combination.

No. And I have tried to read and walk around before, but …

It’s not advisable. [laughter] Whereas, I would have … in the kitchen I would have the TV on and it’s chattering away, or the radio on, and you can be cooking or ironing, or doing other chores. But the reading is just … well, you’re reading. It’s what you do. You read. I used to read in the bath, actually, as a teenager at home, I used to just read in the bath for a [unclear] ... But I don’t really do that now, I don’t know why. Possibly because I now wear reading glasses so they’d steam up. [laughter] That’s probably what it is. That’s probably why I don’t. Yes, that’s probably what it is.