Anne Wallace: Extract Five

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So did you read mainly at bedtime then, when you were little, do you think?

Probably, yes. I mean, obviously we had to get up and ready for school and out, and when we were a little bit older, homework to be done. And then reading, yes. I distinctly remember once, trying to read Wind in the Willows on a Saturday, it was, and it was when wrestling was on television. And my mum liked wrestling, and I was trying to read …

She liked wrestling?

[laughter] Yes, she did. The rest of us just laughed at it because it was all rigged, and she just wouldn’t have it. And I’m trying to read Wind in the Willows and I remember shouting at them, ‘Shh, shh, I’m trying to read Wind in the Willows.’ I don’t think I ever finished it. [laughter] So that would have been a Saturday tea time, so yes, I do remember having books.