October 29th

"Hot spots of breakage in dicentrics" 

Stéphane Marcand, CEA/Fontenay


"Linking Actin to Cell Fate"

Campbell W. Gourlay, University of Kent

July 9th

"Stress signalling in Candida albicans" 

Jan Quinn, Newcastle University


"Making nonsense of sense - how do 2A peptides promote translational recoding?"

Fu Yan, Brown Lab, Newcastle University



April 23rd

"Retrotransposons, silencing and histone chaperones" 

Josephine Wardle, Whitehall Lab, Newcastle University


"The role of bZIP transcription factor Hac1p in osmosensitive gene activation"

Siddharth Narayanan, Schroeder Lab, Durham University


January 29th

"Interactions of the Candida albicans with the innate immune system"

Lars Erwig, University of Aberdeen