"Nanodiamond: A New Energy Material"

Prof Eiji Ōsawa, Professor Emeritus/NanoCarbon Research Institute, Ueda, Japan will present a seminar 13:00pm-14:00pm, 4th December 2018 at Newcastle University
The title of the seminar is "Nanodiamond: A New Energy Material" Please see below for the seminar abstract. The seminar will be held at Newcastle University, Bedson Building, First Floor, Lecture Theatre, Room BEDB 1.75 (building 20 on the University campus map).
Refreshments available from 12:30pm-13:00pm in the Faraday Room, 1st Floor, Bedson Building
Prof Ōsawa will also present his seminar at Durham University on 5th December.
Last modified: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 10:10:35 GMT