
3rd NECEM Seminar

  • Venue: Lecture Theatre 1 (G.04), Bedson Building, Newcastle University
  • Start: Wed, 16 May 2018 15:00:00 BST
  • End: Fri, 11 May 2018 16:00:00 BST

The third seminar in the NECEM series is to be given on Wednesday 16th May at 15:00. The seminar is entitled "Nanocrystal Inks for Solar Paint" and will be delivered by Dr Guillame Zoppi of Northumbria University. The seminar will be held in Lecture Theatre 1 (G.04) of the Bedson Building, at Newcastle University, and will be followed by refreshments.

Please see below for the seminar abstract and for a map to the seminar venue:

NECEM 3rd Seminar Abstract


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