Research Students

Potential students interested in working on a research degree (Mlitt or PhD) related to Murakami are welcome to get in touch with Gitte Marianne Hansen. We have had continious success seeaking funding from the Great British Sasakawa Foundation's studentships towards projects on Murakami. 

This page lists current and past research students.

Matteo Giacchè

  • PhD student in Japanese studies, Newcastle University
  • New Meanings Through Music in the Novels of Murakami Haruki

Yueying Wu

  • PhD student, Newcastle University
  • Gendering transnational magic realism: a comparison between Mo Yan, Murakami Haruki and Gabriel García Márquez

Yamato Kikuchi

  • MLitt student, Newcastle University
  • Japanese masculinity represented in the novels of Murakami Haruki