Research Students

Yueying Wu

  • PhD student, Newcastle University
  • Gendering transnational magic realism: a comparison between Mo Yan, Murakami Haruki and Gabriel García Márquez

Yueying Wu is a PhD student in Japanese studies at the School of Modern Language where she explores transnational magic realism and the representation of female characters. She is particularly interested in Mo Yan, Murakami Haruki and Gabriel García Márquez. Her MA in Comparative Literature from University College London examined young female characters in Murakami and Márquez's works. She holds a BA in Japanese Language and Literature from Beijing Normal University and spent a year (2017-2018) studying Japanese modern literature at Yamaguchi University.

Gendering transnational magic realism: a comparison between Mo Yan, Murakami Haruki and Gabriel García Márquez
This PhD project focuses on the representation of female characters in transnational magic realism by comparing Mo Yan, Murakami Haruki and Gabriel García Márquez. The study analyses how female characters contribute to rethinking the binary oppositions: the demarcation between normal and abnormal within societal norms; the relationship of nature and culture; the contradict roles of victims and perpetrators in oppression. The study considers normativity from a social perspective, nature from a cultural perspective, and oppression from a historical perspective, offering insights into the cultural nuances across China, Japan, and Latin America. The study is funded by the Great British Sasakawa Foundation

Main supervisor:
Dr Gitte Marianne Hansen

Additional supervisors:
Dr Fernando Beleza
Professor Sabrina Yu


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