Cohort 2 (2020-2024)

Kenneth Zhi Jian Tan

Institution: Newcastle University

Project Summary: CDK4/6 inhibitors are currently used as a treatment for hormone responsive HER2-negative breast cancer. However, CDK6 inhibition also causes neutropenia, which creates a dose-limiting problem for the chronic use of these inhibitors. Additionally, CDK4 is known to drive breast cancer progression. Therefore, the development of selective CDK4 inhibitors would be an improvement for existing treatment regiments. In this project, novel protein binding sites on CDK4 and D-type cyclins will be identified and characterised. Based on that information, chemical probes that are selective for CDK4 will be used to determine the effectiveness of CDK4-specific inhibition. To that end, “FragLite” technology will be employed to obtain chemical fragments that bind to allosteric interaction sites on CDK4, and “RaPID” technology will be used to find high affinity cyclic peptides that are selective for CDK4 over CDK6. 

Interesting Fact: I acquired a taste for salmiac liquorice during the Spring lockdown of 2020.