
MoSMed Doctoral Researcher Isaline Castan - runner up EDI Rep of the Year 2022

Newcastle University held its Student Unions Student Rep of the Year awards on the evening of Monday 9th May 2022. We were delighted to hear that not only had our third year MoSMed Doctoral Research Isaline Castan been nomimaned for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Studenr Representative of the year, but she came runner-up! Isaline is passionate about inclusivity, raising awareness and working to improve EDI for all. On winning runner-up, Isaline said:  

"I am so honoured to have won the runner up award for equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) rep of the year 2021/2022. I am so thankful to everyone who has supported me taking this role forward. When I started my PhD, I did not realise or think my background could benefit my peers and make Newcastle University a more inclusive and diverse university. I am so proud to be an international woman in STEM representing my peers and making their voice heard to make change. I want to particularly thank Dr. Sharron Kuznesof, Director of Diversity for SAgE, who gave me the opportunity to make PGR research students experience more inclusive no matter your origin, sex, belief, orientation… But more importantly, I am so thankful to the person who nominated me, I am dedicated to represent my peers to the best of my abilities. I couldn’t be happier and more honoured that my work had such an impact on someone’s experience at Newcastle University. This award is a testimony to other PhD students that you are not only your PhD, your personality and your story is an opportunity to make a difference anywhere you go. I am hoping that my work will benefit further PhD students into transitioning towards a more equal, diverse and inclusive world in the future!

Well done Isaline, we are all very proud of you!

Last modified: Fri, 13 May 2022 15:58:17 BST