
MoSMed CDT Director Professor Mike Waring wins prestigious award

Professor Mike Waring has won the UCB-Ehrlich Prize Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry, a prestigious award from the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology. On winning the award, Mike said: 

"I am honoured to receive this award.  The UCB-Ehrlich Prize is one of the most prestigious prizes in medicinal chemistry and in the past has been awarded to scientists who I respect greatly.  Whilst this is an individual award, medicinal chemistry is very much a collaborative activity and the work that the award recognises would not have been possible without the contributions of many colleagues, both in chemistry and collaborators in other disciplines - bioscience and structural biology in particular.  I am especially grateful to the talent and dedication of the co-workers in our research group.  The award should be seen as a reflection of the quality of the medicinal chemistry done at Newcastle and my previous organisation, AstraZeneca."

On behalf of everyone at the MoSMed CDT - very well done Mike!

Last modified: Thu, 19 May 2022 21:08:52 BST