Past Events

Slow methods

  • Venue: Zoom
  • Start: Tue, 24 May 2022 13:00:00 BST
  • End: Tue, 24 May 2022 14:30:00 BST


What links longstanding research collaborations, with responsible innovation, with digression and walking? They are all ways to practice slow methods - and they are approaches that signal how we might shift our research cultures.

On Tuesday 24 May from 13.00 - 14.30, we co-host a session on slow methods, as part of the three HaSS institute's wider work around slow research.

The session will be chaired by Professor Jennifer Richards and we are delighted to be joined by Professor Natasha Mauthner, Professor Andrea DoucetDr Philippa Page and Professor Jeremy Crampton.

This will form part of Newcastle University Business School's research and scholarship festival. The event will take place on Zoom.


Natasha Mauthner and Andrea Doucet discuss their 30-year methodological journey and collaboration using and researching Carol Gilligan’s Listening Guide feminist method of narrative analysis. They highlight different aspects of slow method: taking the time and care to listen to the stories that their research participants tell them; rethinking and remaking the Listening Guide method when used with Indigenous communities; undertaking genealogical research on the Listening Guide method to understand its history, origins, and philosophical assumptions; and engaging in a slow collaborative relationship that allowed them to do this work, together and apart.

Professor Jeremy Crampton will discuss his work on Slow AI. This uses methodological orientations like localisation and degrowth to explore the potentials for what is often termed responsible innovation, namely that which focusses on innovation to produce rather than extract value.

Dr Philippa Page will discuss the ways in which some of her work on film has encouraged her to embrace slow methods. She will talk particularly about the film Play (Alicia Scherson, Chile, 2005) that explores different ‘ways of seeing’ and in order to look and move differently. The film encourages an approach that values a more fluid and inclusive temporality, illuminating digression, playful provocation, fruitful pause, care and intellectual disobedience.


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