
Lessons learnt: preventing future artificial joint failures

  • Venue: Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London
  • Start: Sat, 21 Apr 2012 09:00:00 BST
  • End: Sat, 21 Apr 2012 17:00:00 BST


Throughout this year, UK media has highlighted the tragic consequences of joint failures.  The Institution has therefore brought together the leading medical experts whose expertise was sought by BBC Newsnight and other media for a ground-breaking event to share their knowledge and insight into the technical issues involved and consider the best way forward to improve patients’ lives in the future.

This unique colloquium will bring together clinical practitioners, industry experts, patient groups, regulators, notifying bodies and learned societies to discuss major problems with orthopaedic joint replacements; the history of the problems; and how the many stakeholders should deal with these problems. In a neutral and transparent way, they will consider how the orthopaedic community might prevent problems from happening again and rebuild trust in joint replacements and the systems around them.

Full event details and registration


iCal Individual Event Link