Past News and Events

Romano-British Pottery in the Fifth Century edited by James Gerrard

We are very pleased to announce the publication of a new themed issue in Internet Archaeology by our very own Dr James Gerrard.

Romano-British Pottery in the Fifth Century edited by James Gerrard

The articles in this issue offer important new insights into the use of Roman pottery during the 5th century, addressing themes such as:

  • Was 'Romano-British' pottery produced during the 5th century? 
  • If 'Romano-British-pottery' was produced during the 5th century how can its production be demonstrated? 
  • Was 'Romano-British' pottery used during the 5th century? If it was, then were the vessels carefully curated heirlooms or fragmentary sherds imbued with some social significance?
This issue strikes at the heart of our perceptions of the ‘end’ of Roman Britain and provide a single location where current thinking is brought together.  

This open access publication was generously funded by the Marc Fitch Fund and CIAS at Newcastle University.

Last modified: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 20:48:47 GMT