Resources to help schools mark Dr King’s historic 1967 visit to the UK by reflecting on his enduring challenge to us today.
Resources to help schools, churches and civic institutions commemorate the December 1914 Christmas truces
Working with local groups including Newcastle Stop the War, Unison, mosques and churches, we hold joint public meetings to challenge militarism and urge our government to pursue world peace by peaceful means.
Training young people from around the world in nonviolent peacemaking.
Based on practical work with teachers at Benfield School (Newcastle) and Comberton Village College (Cambridgeshire) we have produced resources to help schools and peace groups run peace studies days.
We hold small monthly meetings to discuss, think, reflect and pray about peace and the activities of the Peace Committee.
Full text, with all stage and set directions, for a Keystage 2 Christmas play about the December 1914 Christmas truces.