
Matthew Flintham

Artist specializing in visualizing the hidden geographies of military landscapes and airspaces

Matthew has a BA (Hons) in Fine Art from Central Saint Martins (1993), an MA in Humanities and Cultural Studies from the London Consortium (2004), and a PhD in Visual Communications from the Royal College of Art (2011). Matthew’s work intersects academic and practitioner spaces, as he works as a writer and visual artist exploring speculative relationships between architecture, power and place, and the possibilities for arts methodologies and practices to reveal hidden or immaterial relations in the militarized landscape. 

Throughout this residency, Matthew will be collaborating with Alison and other members of the Military, War and Security Research Group (MWSRG) at Newcastle University, working towards a series of photographic artworks interpreting the militarized airspaces in the United Kingdom. These photographic works will integrate cartographic and geographic information towards new representations and understandings of these invisible and immaterial volumes of military space. Matthew will also explore three-dimensional representations of airspace as a means to invoke and scrutinize the invisible complexities of military spatial production, to fashion sculpture from the volumetric structures hidden in the skies above.


Alison Williams
Lecturer in Human Geography at Newcastle University

Alison's work investigates the geographies and geopolitics of military air power. She recently completed a three-year ESRC Research Fellowship focusing on the geographies on UK military airspaces during which she considered how these spaces are represented textually, performed visually and verbally, and experienced by those who fly within them. This work has been published in Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Political Geography, and Geopolitics, and informs this Leverhulme project. For more information on Alison’s work and a list of her publications see