The key questions for this project are:
1. How has sub-daily maximum precipitation changed over the last century, across continents, climate regimes and seasons?
2. How does precipitation at different time-scales vary with atmospheric temperature and atmospheric moisture as the atmosphere warms?
3. How do large-scale atmospheric and oceanic features influence or modulate the observed changes in precipitation extremes, the clustering of extremes and the variability between ‘drought’ and ‘flood’ periods, in different climate regimes and seasons?
4. What is the influence of climate model resolution and structure on the simulation of precipitation extremes for different climate regimes and seasons?
5. What is likely the response to warming of precipitation and precipitation extremes at different time- scales across different climate regimes?
6. How can we use information from both high-resolution and coarse-resolution climate models in a more intelligent way to inform climate change adaptation decision making to better manage extreme hydrological events?
The following graphic shows the relationship between these research questions.