Key People & Leadership

The development of the InTEGReL site is being managed by an ‘Oversight Group’ that has senior membership from Newcastle University, Northern Gas Networks, Northern Powergrid, Northumbrian Water and Siemens. The group provides overall leadership and management of the InTEGReL project, coordinating the build of the various components on site. This group is chaired by Andrew Wright, who until recently sat on Ofgem’s board.

The research of the site is overseen by a ‘Research and Innovation Advisory Board’ that brings together all the partners and associate directors from the five universities collaborating in the CESI project, providing market intelligence and ensuring the project is informed by best practice.

The InTEGReL facility is an open resource for research collaboration in the whole energy system space.

The NU research undertaken at InTEGReL is directed by a ‘Research Steering Board’ consisting of experts in each of the constituent areas of whole energy systems;

The ‘Research Steering Board’ ensures that a suitable portfolio of research is undertaken, informed by the external ‘Research and Innovation Advisory Board’, and an industrial ‘Oversight Group’.