Qualitative SIG

Dr Beth Bareham (she/her)

  • SIG Committee Member; Social Media Lead

Role(s) within the University: NIHR Three Research Schools Mental Health Fellow, Population Health Sciences Institute (PHSI)

Beth’s research focuses on mental health, health behaviours and wider wellbeing in later life. Beth has a background in health psychology, and is experienced in utilising qualitative methods in work underpinning intervention and service development and evaluation. She is also experienced in qualitative evidence synthesis. Beth has led a number of projects in her field as PI, and supervised PGR students to complete qualitative projects, also contributing to linked qualitative research at Newcastle University. She is embedded within the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North East/North Cumbria and NIHR Older People and Frailty Policy Research Unit. Beth is impact-driven in her approach to research, and works closely with patients, practitioners and policymakers to inform, conduct and disseminate research that makes a difference to society. She co-produces her research with people with lived experience of alcohol/mental health problems in old age, and involves this group as peer researchers to design studies encompassing qualitative methods, conduct and analyse qualitative data collection, and disseminate findings.

As social media lead for QualSIG Beth will promote the visibility of qualitative research at Newcastle University.