Who can take part in I-KID?

The I-KID trial has now closed to recruiting patients. The eligibility criteria that was used for the trial is listed below.

Inclusion criteria:

  • Patients in PICU with a body weight of under 8kg (note: includes estimated body weight emergency situation) who require continuous Renal Replacement Therapy for acute renal insufficiency or fluid overload as part of their standard clinical care.
  • Person with legal parental responsibility for the patient provides written informed consent for the patient to take part in the study.*

*This may be after the patient has started dialysis in an emergency situation so as not to delay treatment. 

Exclusion criteria:

  • Patient with known chronic renal failure on established adequate RRT (This exclusion should not apply when chronic RRT has failed and patient requires acute RRT during the PICU admission).
  • Patient already established on adequate RRT for whom entry into the study would require additional central venous access, if that access is not required in the view of the clinical team. 
  • Patient has an underlying (or clinically suspected) diagnosis of a metabolic disease, including hyper ammonaemia and no other indication for RRT.
  • Clinician makes a clinical decision that the patient should not receive RRT using NIDUS.