A robust, accurate and efficient model based on SPH, for simulating flow-like landslides
PhD research project: Xilin Xia
This project aims to develop a new Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model for flow-like landslide modelling. The model will be a practical numerical tool for the prediction of run-out distance and velocity of fluid like landslides.
Flow-like landslides are one of the most catastrophic natural hazards and cause heavy losses to both life and property around the world. Predicting the travel distance and velocity of flow like-landslides helps reduce these losses by enabling the hazardous area to be defined and estimating the intensity of the hazard. This provides invaluable information for the design of appropriate protective measures.
Possible applications include:
Most existing numerical methods for flow-like landslides are based on grid methods (FDM, FVM and FEM) which face problems in representing large deformations and moving boundaries. Numerical simulation based on continuum mechanics provides a capable tool for landslide application. As a fully Lagrangian meshless method, SPH can overcome the difficulties faced by current methods and simulate flow-like landslides easily.