Archive 2017-18

Anya Gallaccio

  • Venue: Fine Art Lecture Theatre
  • Start: Tue, 01 May 2018 17:15:00 BST
  • End: Tue, 01 May 2018 19:00:00 BST

Anya Gallaccio (born 1963) is a British artist, who creates site-specific, minimalist installations and often works with organic matter (including chocolate, sugar, flowers and ice).
Her use of organic materials results in natural processes of transformation and decay, meaning that Gallaccio is unable to predict the end result of her installations. Something which at the start of an exhibition may be pleasurable, such as the scent of flowers or chocolate, would inevitably become increasingly unpleasant over time. The timely and site-specific nature of her work make it notoriously difficult to document. Her work therefore challenges the traditional notion that an art object or sculpture should essentially be a monument within a museum or gallery. Instead her work often lives through the memory of those that saw and experienced it - or the concept of the artwork itself.

This talk coincides with her new work on Lindisfarne, inspired by the castle, architecture and colours of its garden, and is in conjunction with National Trust Lindisfarne and Locus+.


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