Strategic Advisory Committee

Gill Leahy

Gill Leahy joined Promethean’s Education Strategy team in 2010. She is particularly interested in exploring and facilitating technology’s role in realising more effective educational systems through the themes of curriculum development, teacher effectiveness and assessment. She is the Promethean lead on the European iTEC project. Key areas of research are assessing learners’ progress through effective questioning and feedback, alongside developing functionality in the mathematics curriculum.

Previously she was the South East Mathematics Regional Director with the UK National Strategies where she advised, supported and challenged teachers, schools and local authorities to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics in order to meet national standards. 

She was part of the national programme team that developed Assessment for Learning) AfL and Assessing Pupil’s Progress (APP) materials which included the Progression Maps and Probing Questions. She has also worked on national STEM projects. Gill has extensive secondary teaching experience as a head of faculty and as an advanced skills teacher