The Norweigan University of Science and Technology

Dr Jardar Cyvin

I have a masters degree in zoology, with a specialization against physical planning. In addition I have university education in ICT, and exams in science didactics required for the Phd-degree. In 2013 I got a personal qualification as an associate professor based on science didactics research. The research focused on primary and lower secondary students' use of ICT in science, and on cross-subject teaching and learning with map technology.

I have 10 years’ experience from different ICT-related positions connected to environmental management and conservation. Since 2000 I have been at my present institution’s teacher education department, teaching ICT, science (mostly biology), technology and entrepreneurship.

The last years my teaching interests have been specially directed towards the didactics of science and technology. I have initiated and managed several Norwegian development and research projects, most of them in the field of ICT and entrepreneurship.  At present I am also engaged in research on education for sustainable development.