For teachers & parents
This website provides a series of teaching and learning resources developed over the years by scholars and researchers based at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, at the School of Arts and Cultures at Newcastle University and at the Great North Museum in Newcastle.
Start by selecting one of the links leading to the appropriate age group: Primary, Secondary and 16+. Each age group page contains a series of expandable titles with resources listed according to the main topic covered, from prehistory to contemporary history. We list the appropriate age group for each resource and the title describes the general content covered by the resources.
As the resources were developed independently and at different times, they can differ in their layouts and outputs. Each expandable title will lead to a dedicated website or to a page from which you will be able to download the relevant teaching and learning material.
The Beyond School section contains videos relating to studying History, Classics and Archaeology at Newcastle University, alongside further educational resources.
How do I know my pupils' education phase?
This website follows the structure developed by the UK National Curriculum.