News & Events
Workshops with local teachers in Herculaneum

In January 2018, the Expanded Interiors team including Catrin Huber, Rosie Morris and with the fantastic support of Francesca del Duca from the Herculaneum Conservation project led 3 workshops at Parco Archeologico di Ercolano, the third was with local teachers from Herculaneum and the surrounding area.
The aim of the workshop was to introduce and involve local teachers with the Expanded Interiors project and the Maiuri Pop-Up, and to explore objects from and wall paintings within the Parco Archaeologico di Ercolano. As a group we shared ideas and create content to form a Resource Pack (Learning and Teaching Material), which can have a broader impact on surrounding schools. We would really like to keep teachers involved with the project inviting them to co-deliver workshops with us in October 2019 to test how our ideas work in practice.
Catrin Huber and local teachers visit Casa del Bel Cortile and discuss how it was used by Amedeo Maiuri for the Open Museum.
Catrin and Francesca del Duca (HCP) introduce teachers to Roman objects from the storerooms, here wonderful examples of Roman lamps.
The group discuss examples of mischevious objects, both Roman and contemporary. What is the role and function of an object, does this change and how can it misbehave?
Local teachers work with clay to produce their own mischievious objects.
Last modified: Fri, 03 May 2019 14:51:59 BST