News & Events
Workshops with local guides in Herculaneum

In January 2018, the Expanded Interiors team including Catrin Huber, Rosie Morris and with the fantastic support of Francesca del Duca from the Herculaneum Conservation project led 3 workshops at Parco Archeologico di Ercolano, the first was with local guides who work within both Herculaneum and Pompeii.
The aim of the workshop was to introduce and involve local guides to the Expanded Interiors project and to explore and exchange ideas / knowledge relating to Casa del Bel Cortile: Its wall paintings and objects, Maiuri’s historical displays, and the potent ways that objects can communicate and misbehave, through the evidence they provide, the meanings they carry, and the narratives they provoke. As a group we discussed our own relationship to objects from home and produced new clay objects that for us carried meaning or misbehaved.
Local guides repond to the architectural dimensions and wall paintings in The House of the Beautiful Courtyard, and explore how Maiuri used the house as part of him Open Museum.
The Expanded Interiors team have worked to scan objects from the archival collections in Herculaneum and Pompeii, selected by Catrin. One of the benefits of 3D printing is enabling visitors to to handle the objects and consider their surface and visual language in a material that is dislodged from their original form.
The whole group with Catrin Huber and Rosie Morris looking at Roman objects alongside 3D printed replicas in the Herculaneum store rooms.
Group members explain their choice of object brought from home and what it means to them. Here Connie has brought a woven fruit basic containing organic produce traditionally grown in the area historically, compared with a supermarket plastic bag.
The group works on their own clay objects inspired by group discussion and indvidual objects brought from home.
Francesca models her own Pucinella, a classic neopolian comedy character.
Last modified: Fri, 03 May 2019 14:55:31 BST