For Therapists

When we piloted these therapy materials, we supported families in the following ways, which they found helpful:

1) We went through all of the materials with the family and checked that they understood any instructions and had what they needed to carry them out. 

2) We gave advice on any adjustments to the home environment, e.g. where to position the cot in the room. 

3) We supported families with a visit once a month, with brief weekly contacts e.g. quick text at 1 and 3 weeks, and phone call at 2 weeks. 

4) Families had details of how to contact us if there were queries. 

5) We undertook assessments of the infants' progress at the face to face visits, and considered with families what would be the best goals based on their progress. 

The assessment which we and the family found particularly helpful was the Hand Assessment for Infants (from 3 months) - this requires training but this videoed, play-based assessment is a great way to explore infant hand use. 

You can download a flyer with a link to this website from here: left etips flyer

You can see our main publication about the study in the reference list. This will hopefully answer any questions you have about the original study.