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Evidence-based Policy for Integrated Control of Forested River Catchments in Extreme Rainfall and Snowmelt


The following papers describe aspects of the work carried out during the project.

Andreoli, A., Comiti, F. and Lenzi, M.A. 2007. Characteristics, distribution and geomorphic role of large woody debris in a mountain
stream of the Chilean Andes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 32, 1675-1692.

Bathurst, J.C., Bovolo, C.I. and Cisneros, F. 2010. Modelling the effect of forest cover on shallow landslides at the river basin scale. Ecological Engineering, 36, 317-327. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2009.05.001.

Bathurst, J.C., Amezaga, J., Cisneros, F., Gavino Novillo, M., Iroume, A., Lenzi, M.A., Mintegui Aguirre, J., Miranda, M. and Urciuolo, A. 2010. Forests and floods in Latin America: science, management, policy and the EPIC FORCE project. Water International, 35(2), 114-131.

Bathurst, J.C., Iroume, A., Cisneros, F., Fallas, J., Iturraspe, R., Gavino Novillo, M., Urciuolo, A., de Bievre, B., Guerrero Borges, V., Coello, C., Cisneros, P., Gayoso, J., Miranda, M., Ramirez, M. 2011. Forest impact on floods due to extreme rainfall and snowmelt in four Latin American environments 1: Field data analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 400, 281-291.

Bathurst, J.C., Birkinshaw, S.J., Cisneros, F., Fallas, J., Iroume, A., Iturraspe, R., Gavino Novillo, M., Urciuolo, A., Alvarado, A., Coello, C., Huber, A., Miranda, M., Ramirez, M., Sarandon, R. 2011. Forest impact on floods due to extreme rainfall and snowmelt in four Latin American environments 2: Model analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 400, 292-304.

Birkinshaw, S.J., Bathurst, J.C., Iroume, A., Palacios, H. 2011. The effect of forest cover on peak flow and sediment discharge - an integrated field and modelling study in central-southern Chile. Hydrological Processes, 25(8), 1284-1297.

Comiti, F., Andreoli, A., Mao, L. and Lenzi, M.A. In press. Wood storage in three mountain streams of the Southern Andes and its
hydro-morphological effects. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

Iroume, A., Palacios, H., Bathurst, J.C., Huber, A. 2010. Escorrentias y caudales maximos luego de la cosecha a tala rasa y del establecimiento de una nueva plantacion en una cuenca experimental del sur de Chile. Runoff and peakflows after clearcutting and the establishment of a new plantation in an experimental catchment, southern Chile. Bosque, 31(2), 117-128.

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