
Dr. Clifton Evers

Dr Clifton Evers’ research interests include gender (particularly masculinities), leisure/sport, pollution, and blue spaces e.g. sea/ocean, lakes, rivers. He employs imaginative ethnography to conduct research and produce creative outputs, including peer-reviewed journal articles, ethnographic fiction, soundscapes, short research film, and performance art. A recent film A Toxic Love Affair (with James Davoll, 2019) won best experimental film at the ReelHeART Film festival in Toronto, Canada. Clifton is on the editorial boards for the Journal for Sport & Social Issues, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Leisure Studies and the Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities. Clifton is currently part of the following funded research projects: Age of Extinction: Anglophone narratives of personal and planetary degradation (2000-2020); The First Fossil free Welfare State? Swedish Petro-Dreams, Resistances, and Coastal Transformations; Northeast coastal community resilience: a just transition from industrial heritage to a low carbon future; and Temperature Life Histories - Experiencing a changing climate through stories, poetry and data. Clifton is a member of The Shadow Places Network: a collaboration to re-imagine and co-produce connections for justice in an era of climate change. I am also a team member of the Surf & Nature Alliance: An international and intercultural non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of the marine environment.

