Useful Links

BBC Tiny Happy People + Elim-I - Includes videos of Super Communicator tips for parents and carers

BBC Tiny Happy People - Activities, short videos and articles with helpful tips and advice to support children's language and communication development 

Better Health Start for Life - The Department for Education and Department for Health and Social Care's Start for Life ‘Little Moments Together’ campaign aims to educate parents and carers about the importance of brain development in the first five years of a child’s life, and the crucial role they play. A suite of digital resources are available for partners to download and support their work, as well as tips and advice on the Start for Life website

Birth to Five - A free downloadable book providing information on caring for children up to five years old 

NHS Start for Life - Includes, tips, games and activities to support children's language and literacy development

Speech and Language UK Ages and Stages - A guide to the typical stages of speech and language development in babies, children and young people