Activity in Year 2

Train the Trainers

This second iteration of Train the Trainers took place in February of 2020, as a 2-day event in Azerbaijan. It was offered to all interested educators in Azerbaijan and a total of 17 educators attended. The workshop focussed the development of modules and programmes with a greater emphasis on the professional development of the educator, than previously

Attendees included staff with diverse roles in teaching, management and incubator support. It wasn't just first-timers though, as some have attended the previous Train the Trainers programme in Year 1 of the project, delivered by Andrea Lane. This year they were invited to complete reflective work and develop action plans for continuing development

Just weeks following the completion of this workshop, the world went into lockdown. Despite this, we still received a number of action plans. Continuity of educator development was further enhanced by the development of digital newsletters (see below), that informed educators about relevant webinars and digital conferences that focussed on enterprise education. 

Newsletters (February-July)

During the second part of Year 2 the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has begun in Europe, so a lot of our activity had to be moved online. We came up with the idea to send a newsletter to our partner educators in Azerbaijan – to keep them up to date and provide some additional resources. We archived these newsletters, so you can access them below.  

Working with BIG Idea entrants

Working with BIG Idea entrants

Developing Resource Repository and Toolkit

Developing Resource Repository