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99 Clerkenwell Road

Sophie Michael

99 Clerkenwell Road (2010) film still

Filmed in an empty shop, the remaining features of the space are used to create a kaleidoscopic light film. Ceiling lamps become coloured spheres and circles that sweep across the frame. Pillars provide wipes and fades, window shutters are hole punched stencils, passing buses shoot beams of light. A toy solar system appears. Scale and depth constantly shift and colours are blindly combined as exposures gradually multiply. Overexposed glimpses of a wall or a flashing bollard outside bring the viewer down to earth.

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Wolfgang Weileder
Fine Art, School of Arts and Cultures
Tel: 0191 261 2962

Toby Lloyd
Fine Art, School of Arts and Cultures

Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, NE1 7RU
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  at Newcastle University looking at new ways of working across traditional academic 