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ScartVideo: Mechanical modification / electronic impulses / human intuition. Made in real-time and without the aid of a computer: Video-sculpture.

ScartVideo's 'Serendipity Machine' consists of rewired analogue video mixing and audio equipment, further compounded by two films played simultaneously and narrated live and without predetermined outcomes. Interpretation and narration is non-prescriptive, with material generated from happy accidents. The material made is especially designed to be experienced 'live' and watched over a period of time (30-45 minutes on average), with the effects intended to be somewhat mesmerising and magical, creating a suspension of disbelief.

The Serendipty Machine continues to be expanded upon with increasingly exciting results. Excerpts can be seen online at Vimeo (scartvideo).

History: ScartVideo, (formerly ScartTrio (est. 2006)). Founder, Harry Palmer. Guest collaborator, Toby Lloyd (2010-).

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Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, NE1 7RU
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