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Daniel Mallo

Daniel Mallo is a practicing architect lecturing part-time at Newcastle University. After graduating in Madrid, he collaborated with Florian Beigel in London and Herzog & de Meuron in Basel.

Daniel Mallo founded ec-architects together with Armelle Tardiveau in 2004 with the deliberate intent to think and practice architecture politically. Their research is design-led and focuses primarily on architecture as an enabling tool and alternative spatial practices such as temporary interventions and urban actions. The enabling philosophy consists of working with time, steering dialogue and social dynamics and offering platforms allowing spatial flexibility and capacity for change. The practice is concerned with a sustainable agenda promoting low-cost, off-the-shelf materials and self-built construction methods.

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Daniel Mallo


Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, NE1 7RU
Culture Lab forms part of an evolving network of artists, researchers and scientists 
  at Newcastle University looking at new ways of working across traditional academic 