
CONEXS Conference 2020

  • Venue: Newcastle University Business School and the Urban Sciences Building
  • Start: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 12:00:00 GMT
  • End: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 13:00:00 GMT

Call for Abstracts

The first CONEXS Conference will take place at Newcastle University on the 18-20 February 2020, bringing together leading national and international experts to discuss emerging trends in X-Ray Spectroscopy and the intersection of experiment and theory.

We are now welcoming submissions for abstracts for oral presentations and posters, the deadline for abstract submissions is 13 January 2020.




Registration for the conference is also now open. The registration fees are as follows, and include a conference dinner on Wednesday 19th February:

Standard Delegate Rate: £150

Student/Early Career Researcher Delegate Rate: £75

Keynote Speakers

We are happy to annouce our first keynote speakers:

  • Prof. Serena DeBeer, Professor and Director, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion 
  • Prof. John Rehr, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Washington
  • Dr. Anna Regoutz, Lecturer in Materials Chemistry, University College London
  • Prof. Matthias Bauer, Professor in Inorganic Chemistry, University of Paderborn

For more information on the speakers and updates as more speakers confirm, please visit our conference webpages


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