Abstract Submission

The call for abstracts for the Conference has now closed. If you have submitted an abstract, we will be in touch shortly to let you know whether your submission has been accepted. 


Abstract Guidance

1. Your abstract should not exceed one sheet of A4, and should include:

  • Any key background information about your topic, or any details that informed your study
  • The central question you wish to explore or answer
  • A summary of prior research or justification for your study, try to describe in a sentence or two your research methodology
  • To conclude your abstract, mention as briefly as possible a description and the significance of your findings

2. Please include your talk or poster title at the top of the abstract

3. Please include your name and affiliation underneath the title and any other co-authors as necessary

4. Please include any references to papers or publications as necessary

5. Once ready, please save your abstract as a PDF and submit.