Title: 'Classical Realism meets Critical Theory: Philosophies, Practices, Politics'
Date and time: 20-21 June 2015, 9am-5pm
Venue: Faculty of Social Sciences, 120 University Social Sciences Building
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5 (click here for Google Maps)
Convener: Prof Michael C. Williams, University of Ottawa
Speakers and topics
Download Workshop programme and abstracts
Title: “What is Political Realism? Exploring a Research Framework”
Date and time: 1-2 June 2013, 9am-5pm
Venue: Newcastle University, Great North Museum, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Workshop Programme and Abstracts(pdf, 385kb)
In the social sciences, the term “realism” raises as many ideas and associations as it is elusive when enquiring into its history. It has been used by many, with a plethora of variations such as classical, structural, offensive etc., is and has been associated with a series of authors, sometimes more by means of intellectual appropriation than by respective authors themselves, as well as it has been used as a label for authors who have never used the term themselves. In order to gain some clarity about the term and concept of “realism”, the workshop intends to pursue the questions of what is political realism and how it can be used as, or elaborated into, a research framework, particularly for engaging questions of/on crises and modernity. These discussions take place before the background of a recent revival of “realism” and (re)appreciation of classical “realist” thinkers in the disciplines of International Relations, Political Science, and Philosophy.
Speakers and topics
This is a free event but places are limited, please register by sending an email to: Kristinne Sanz, kristinne.sanz@ncl.ac.uk.