Professor of International Politics at the School of Geography, Politics, and Sociology at Newcastle University. His research and teaching focuses on questions of international political theory (in historical and contemporary perspectives), sociology of knowledge, critical geopolitics, questions of difference, "otherness" and peace formation.
He is the author of "Immigration Politics in the Nation State" (1998), "Deterritorial Politics" (2004), and "A History of International Political Theory: Ontologies of the International" (2010) as well as of many articles and edited volumes in the context of his research and teaching interests.
His particular interests in the topic of "Classical Realism Meets Critical Theory" lies in the critical exploration of questions of (Western) modernity and visions of humanity as well as in the ouevre of Hans J. Morgenthau. With regard to the latter, he has edited (together with Felix Roesch, foreword by Michael Williams) a translation of an early monograph of Morgenthau from 1933 called La notion du politique as "The Concept of the Political" (Palgrave 2012).
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