Conferences & Workshops
4th BioProScale Symposium
- Venue: Technische Universität Berlin
Architekturgebäude (House of Architecture)
Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin (Charlottenburg), Germany
- Start: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 00:00:00 BST
- End: Fri, 08 Apr 2016 00:00:00 BST

The implementation of PAT and QbD in Bioprocess development and industrial scale operation are key factors for an efficient bioprocesses development, optimization and robust operation, and thus a main driver for bioprocess intensification in all areas of bioproduction. In its tradition the 4th BioProScale symposium will focus in cross-discipline contributions for a better understanding of large-scale operation and consistency in bioprocess development.
Focus areas are:
- Industrial-scale bioprocess operation
Manufacturing at large scale from process to product, robustness vs. repeatibility, scaleability of operations, single-use technologies, process analytical techniques and process control
- Scale down approaches and process analytical technologies for advanced process design:
Comprehensive process monitoring, non-invasive sensors for all process scales, multiparameter and soft-sensors, addressing inhomogeneities by sensor applications and multiposition sampling, modelling and control approaches, influence of early process steps on later down-stream operations, understanding heterogeneity and population development
- Quality by design in bioprocess development
High throughput applications, model based DoE, in-line process analytics, data handling and analysis, multivariate data processing, scale down methods, evolutionary strategies for strains and processes, computation based process development
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