
BIO-FLARE clinical calculator MSExcel 22Kb

  • The BIO-FLARE clinical calculator has been developed using the BIO-FLARE clinical data to help to assess the risk of flare for a patient with rheumatoid arthritis who is is remission on conventional synthetic DMARDs (methotrexate, sulfasalazine and/or hydroxychloroquine), and who stops their DMARDs.
  • The calculator can be opened by clicking on the link above which opens an excel spreadsheet. Values for sex, methotrexate use, rheumatoid factor (RhF) and anti-citrullinated peptide antibody (ACPA) can be changed on the spreadsheet giving a predicted risk of flare at 90 or 168 days following DMARD cessation.
  • The calculator is purely for research purposes and has not been validated using an external cohort.
  • Newcastle University and the BIO-FLARE team take no responsibility for clinical decisions made.