Further Information

Will Everything I Say Be Confidential?

Yes. I will be doing all the focus groups and interviews and, with your permission, digitally recording them. Nobody else will listen to the recordings and only my supervisors will be able to see the full typed up, anonymous texts.


All the data will be stored securely and anonymously on a computer at Newcastle University and will be password-protected.

Your name will not be used in the published research and everything you say will remain entirely anonymous.

What we discuss will be in confidence, however disclosure may be required if you were to say something that potentially indicated that you or someone else was at risk of harm. If you said something of this type, I would indicate this and you could then choose whether or not to continue the discussion. We would also discuss what the next steps would be.


What Will Happen to the Information I Give?

The interviews and focus groups will be analysed and anonymous quotes may be used in my postgraduate research project and in any related research, publications and presentations.

All data will be destroyed after the study.



 Professor Diane Richardson 

 0191 222 7643



Professor Janice McLaughlin 

 0191 222 7511 
