
Why research is trying to MUSCLE IN on ageing?

Over the last few months Dr. Christopher Hurst, alongside Kaleidoscope CFA, a film production company based in Newcastle, has been producing a short, animated video to increase public awareness and understanding of research into muscle ageing. The project was funded by a public engagement award from The Medical Research Council Versus Arthritis Centre for Integrated Research into Musculoskeletal Ageing (CIMA).

The video was co-produced with several members of the public who have experience of living with muscle weakness who had previously taken part via in the SarcNet study.

To ensure that the video delivered the right messages in an effective way we carried out some virtual patient and public involvement workshops. These workshops enabled discussion around general issues such as ‘What is research’ and ‘What is the purpose of research’ as well as some more specific discussion about language and imagery that would be helpful and could support the messages in the video. The panel provided a huge amount of helpful guidance as well as some clear suggestions and feedback – we are very grateful to them for their time and expertise.

The final video summarises:

  • Why we need research into muscle ageing
  • What this research might include
  • How members of the public can get involved in research into muscle ageing

You can watch the video here:   

Last modified: Wed, 18 Jan 2023 08:26:42 GMT